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Eleven connect dynamic people and businesses where bold ideas will help shape the world.

The Eleven method: We make your hiring process effortless. With a focused knowledge of the industries we serve, Eleven find the best candidates with the ideas and enthusiasm to help you take the lead.

Working in partnership with you, Eleven will represent your brand to the highest degree. We will find the best talent to fit the role and skills you require, as well as ensure candidates align with your company culture and vision for the future.

Serving asset management companies, trading houses, banks, integrated energy companies, alternative technology and renewable energy innovators, along with chemical manufacturers, distributers and ship owners, we have got your recruitment needs covered.

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United Kingdom
Senior Risk Analyst Eleven are partnered with a global energy trading business for the recruitment of a Senior Market Risk Analyst onsite in there London office. The business has a strong global network trading crude & oil products, petrochemicals, LNG
United Kingdom
I have been asked to recruit for a Principal Level Process Safety Consultant for a global business.   You would be the technical specialist when visiting new sites and have the ability and knowledge to discuss in detail all process safety/risk
United Kingdom
A valued client of Eleven is looking for a dynamic individual to join their team in a pivotal role contributing to European Power & Gas activities. If you're passionate about operational excellence and thrive in a fast-paced environment, this could be
A great opportunity for a Head of Group Taxation to join a highly respected and successful business based in Geneva.   Key Responsibilities:   Responsible for all Group direct and indirect taxation. Liaising with Taxation Managers at each site.
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I am very excited to recruit another role for a fabulous client in the Process Safety sector. The Sales Manager will be focusing on process safety and lab testing within a technical consultancy to blue chip Pharmaceutical, Chemical, and Personal
We are currently searching for a Development Manager to join the established team, based in Paris ideally. The role will require you to work across a portfolio of renewable energy projects, mainly made up of onshore wind projects and ground mounted solar

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