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Development Project Manager

We are currently searching for a Development Project Manager to join the team of one of our key clients, who are a renewable energy company that are a subsidary of a large Italian utility that operates across many European countries. The role is can be based anywhere in France and requires travel to the office in Paris at least twice a month.

In this role you will be responsible for managing the development of renewable projects, with a focus on all solar plants across France, within the Business Development department, in addition to other teams like the Finance Department, Engineering, Construction, and Asset Management team.

Key responsibilities:
- All round project development activities to support the solar PV projects, including identifying land, permitting, working with land owners/local municipalities, in addition to the overall feasability of the projects
- Project management activities, including coordinating the teams who are working on each solar project

Desirable skills:
- 4+ years working within project management/project management within solar/wind/energy storage/BESS in France
- Experience working on Renewable Energy projects in France, as well as French and English speaking, and additionally Spanish is a plus

Kate Friar

Recruitment Consultant

+44 (0) 7485 388 050