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PV Regional Developer - Northeast of France

We are currently searching for a Photovoltaic Regional Developer to join their team in France to ensure the development of the solar PV projects in the Northeast of France. 

Our client produces and sells energy from reliable sources, specifically wind power and solar PV, and currently have a capacity of 1.4GW across Europe, with a target of reaching 6GW by 2025, with a portion of this in France.

- Land sourcing for the development of new ground-mounted solar PV projects, and developing the commercial relationships with landowners and local municipalities including negotiations to sign a land promise
- Carrying out studies to assist the permitting and technical teams, including any environmental or landscape constraints
- Working on the projects from land signing to their commissioning

Desirable skills:
- 3 years' minimum experince in the project development of solar/wind projects, or commercial experince in land securing related activities
- Knowledge of urbanism, land planning, and the agricultural world is a bonus
- French native speaker and English, with Spainsh or other European languages a plus
- Full driving license essential for the role

The candidate will need to be located within the Northeast region of France for this role, as they will be required to travel between sites.


Kate Friar

Recruitment Consultant

+44 (0) 7485 388 050