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Senior Process Safety Specialist (Manchester)

United Kingdom
£55000 - £65000 per annum, Benefits: Competitive
I am looking to recruit a Process Safety specialist for a client who are looking to establish a foothold in the North of England.
They are already working across the UK, Europe, and further afield but have highlighted the North as a growth area.
Very much a DSEAR role, with obvious spins off in other process safety specialisms like LOPA, QRA, Hazops/Hazids, and even PSM.
However, the focus for their clients is DSEAR work.
My client works with several businesses in the chemical, oil and gas, food, drinks, and pharmaceutical industries.
You will get to wear many hats, get lots of cross-functional experience and work for a really nice guy in the process.
What’s not to love?
This is a very fast-paced business process – head into a client, understand the problem, develop a specialism, write a report, and then repeat, repeat, repeat.
The candidate can be based anywhere commutable to the likes of Cheshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire.
There will be a car allowance in the package.

Paul Cannon

Principal Consultant

+44 7484 082654