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Portfolio Manager

We are currently searching for a Portfolio Manager to join the team in either Berlin or Frankfurt. 

In this role you will be responsible for all tasks related to portfolio management, from analysing investment opportunities and managing client portfolios, making investment decisions.

Our client is a dunamic start-up 

Role Resposibilities:
- Optimise the overall performance of the portfolio, and improve investor returns, in addition to undertaking tasks related to project implementation and asset management
- Create detailed financial models for equity and debt invetors, including pricing, while analysing the risk/reward of the portfolio deals
- Conduct comprehensive assessments of the asset portfolio and potential new business options, integrating technical, commercial, and regulatory factors

Desired Skills:
- Must be fluent in both German and English
- Previous experience working in renewable energy, infrastructure, banking or consumer finance. Additional experience in a bank, fund, or investment firm is a plus.
- Strong experience in financial modelling, reporting, and sharp analytical skills

Kate Friar

Recruitment Consultant

+44 (0) 7485 388 050