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Senior Asset Controller

Greater London
United Kingdom
Competitive Salary & Bonus
Fantastic opportunity for a Senior Manager to join a Global Energy Investment Fund with HQ based in London.

My client is looking for a Senior Manager within the Asset Controlling team to come in and manage a number of Platforms / IPP’s within their portfolio.

Key Skills & Experience
  • Minimum 5 years relevant working experience in commercial asset Management.
  • Financial knowledge of renewable energy projects.
  • Ability to cover the entire asset management reporting cycle.
  • Financial modelling experience desirable.
The role offers a competitive salary & bonus, hybrid working and great opportunities for career progression.

If you have the skills and experience required and would like to work for a fast growing and highly respected business, then please don’t hesitate to apply.

Steven Wade

Senior Recruitment Consultant

+44 (0) 7483 040288