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Senior Oil Products Operator

Energy Trading & Shipping
Greater London
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
A great opportunity for an experienced Oil Products Operator to join this fully integrated energy major in London. 

Key responsibilities:
  • Manage the oil operations related to the execution of the commodity contracts deal life-cycle generated by pertinent Oil Trading Teams,  including but not limited to: set-up of documentary instructions & voyage orders; dealing with Inspection Companies for related cargo quality/quantity controls.
  • Be the first point of contact for all internal communication and co-operation regarding the pertaining cargoes such as shipping, credit, etc.
  • Update the company’s position updating systems promptly and accurately with all latest data regarding cargoes including b/l dates, actual volumes etc.
  • Maintain a good relationship with internal clients and counterparties
  • Deal with an “ad hoc” requests related to operations activities generated by Trading Team.
  • Ensure compliance with internal controls and external requirements: REACH, customs etc
  • Manage storage locations including stock reconciliations
The ideal candidate will have 5+ years clean products operations experience in the European markets. 

For more information, please contact Peter Morgan at

Peter Morgan

Head of Oil and Renewable Fuels

+44 (0)7891 852 682